EMF Measurements
        Database, an EMF RAPID Program Engineering Project Last updated: June 24, 1997

Contributing Data Sets to the Database

The Database encourages submissions of EMF measurement data from all sources, including sponsored research projects, public and private organizations, industrial hygienists, independent scientists and engineers, and individuals. You will be enriching the scientific community and contributing to greater scientific enlightenment. The EMF Measurements Database will accept your contributions and help to preserve and share the information that you invested in collecting.

The data and documentation that you provide will be organized into standardized formats and published on the Internet for interested parties to download and use. Data sets will also be available off-line (on magnetic media, CD-ROM, paper hardcopy, etc). Users are asked to accept a license that allows them to use the data in exchange for acknowledging you (the contributors) and the Database in presentations of results based on the data, and accepting a disclaimer and an `as is' warranty.

In order to constitute a complete submission, the Database needs two things: data (Data Products) and documentation (Metadata). Additionally, we encourage contributors or other users of the Database to share results of their analyses of data sets in the form of Reports.